End of course photo!

As is tradition at Princess Helena, the day after our London trip gives everybody a well deserved lie-in before the end of course photo is taken on our sunken lawn. A massive thankyou to Lorenzo for offering up his brilliant photography skills (and his camera) to take the photo!



Afternoon Tea

We’re halfway through the second course at PHC which means one thing – afternoon tea!!


Our students were treated to a quintissentially British treat by our Course Director, Laine.








The Potato Challenge

As part of our excursion to St Albans, our students competed in “the potato challenge” where they had to use their newly improved English skills to swap a potato with other items. When they had swapped, they then needed to keep swapping with a prize going to the best team!


We had some great performances, with multiple groups turning their potatoe into things worth more than £10! However, our clear winners were able to turn their potato into a Cath Kidston bag – worth £40!!


Potato challenge

Scavenger Hunt

Slightly late post, but on Monday evening our students participated in a scavenger hunt! We thought this was a good way for the students to find their way around their new surroundings while having fun at the same time!







An unbe-LEAF-able afternoon!

With the sun shining at Princess Helena, our students were able to choose leaf paintng as one of our afternoon activities – taking place in our beautiful lavender garden! We can’t decide if we like the artwork or the view more!


leaf drawing

leaf girls

lavender gards


Happy to say that all our PHC1 students safely boarded their flights this evening, we miss them already! Ready for 59 new arrivals tomorrow…

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